Lulu provides two types of ebook publishing:

  • EPUB format ebooks, designed to be viewed using all common devices. EPUB ebooks are eligible for Global Reach distribution, making your ebook available to buyers on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iBookstore, Kobo, and many other retailers.
  • PDF format ebooks, available for sale and download on Lulu’s Bookstore.

You can sell your ebook for free on the Lulu Bookstore or you can sell it for a list price of your choice. When selecting the retailers you’d like to sell your ebook, you’ll be presented the revenue earned for each retailer, based on the list price you select. You’ll keep 90% of the revenue, after any retailer fees and markups.


Ebook Creation Guide

To help you easily create an ebook, Lulu offers free conversion for well-formatted files to EPUB format. Use our Ebook Creation Guide to prepare your Word DOCX file for conversion to an EPUB.

Download the Lulu Ebook Creation Guide and get started!

Ebooks for Retail Distribution

Preparing your EPUB file for sale through retailers using Lulu Global reach distribution service requires additional considerations. Please review our Mandatory Ebook Distribution Guidelines and ensure your file adheres to all of the requirements.

View Distribution Requirements

Unsupported Elements

Some of our retail partners limit certain elements they can accept in EPUB files. To make submission for distribution easier, we limit these elements in your EPUB.

  • Charts
  • Text boxes
  • Scientific or mathematical formulas
  • Embedded objects such as HTML, Smart Art, etc.

If you receive a distribution rejection due to one of the above elements, we recommend replacing the element with a high-quality JPG or PNG image.

How Do I Add Images to My Ebook?

It is best to use web-friendly images for your ebook. Keep the resolution on your images between 72 - 150 PPP and your image size around 500 x 500 pixels or less.

We accept the following image formats: JPG, GIF, and PNG.

Note: If the ebook includes images with more than 2 million pixels, our retail partners may not accept your ebook. 

Your ebook can include hyperlinks, with some important restrictions. Links cannot be to advertisements. You cannot link to sites selling books. You can, however, link to your Blog or personal website(s).

Can I Use Footnotes and Endnotes in My Ebook?

Not to be confused with headers and footers, EPUBs do support footnotes and endnotes.

What Is an Ebook Cover?

The ebook cover is the image shoppers see when browsing online for ebooks and on their eReader’s “bookshelf” when they purchase and download your work. It may also be referred to as an ebook thumbnail.

The ebook cover consists only of the front cover art, which should include the book title and author's name. Unlike print books, there are no back cover or dust jacket flaps on an ebook cover that can be used to provide author information or a synopsis of your work.

Images for ebooks should be created and added to your document in RGB. Most images created on computers are created in RGB. If you open your image in Microsoft Paint on a PC and Preview on a Mac, you should be able to see the color space in which the image was created.

The ebook cover must be created to the following specifications:

  • Dimensions: at least 612 x 792 pixels (8.5” x 11” or 21.59 cm x 27.94 cm)
  • Resolution: 72 ppi or higher to provide a clear image when viewed in multiple sizes.

How Is the Table of Contents Created?

Ebooks use links to navigate to specific sections or chapters; therefore, it is not necessary to include a traditional Table of Contents (TOC) in your DOCX file for conversion.

The EPUB Table of Contents (TOC) is a component in the EPUB file called the Navigation Control file for XML (NCX). If you prepare a DOCX file properly, Lulu’s converter will use Heading Styles to create NCX links in your EPUB.

When creating an EPUB with Lulu’s DOCX converter, we support Heading 1, Heading 2, and Heading 3 styles for NCX entries. Do not use other Heading styles (for example, Heading 4).

Note: Including a table of contents page in your DOCX file is not recommended. The file may not convert properly and you may be rejected by our retail partners if you submit your ebook for distribution.